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GEM Meditations ROCK! πŸ’Žβœ¨ a multi-faceted meditative experience of learning, connecting and receiving gemstone energy while deepening your intuition and doing profound self work in new levels of awareness.

What will your Digital Subscription entail?

Every month there will be a specific intention or focus for our GEM Meditations featuring three different stones.

Each of the month’s 3 featured stones will be a series of three emails per month with an audio recording of the live GEM Meditation that you can do on your own time. We will keep the sense of community ALIVE by giving journal prompts and sharing your meditation feedback. BONUS quarterly we will hold a live Virtual GEM Meditation.

Digital GEM Meditation Subscription 


Get Access Today! 


Q: Do I need to own the stones we meditate with?

Absolutely not! We are connecting to the consciousness of specific gem energies which transcends time and space. Therefore, physically having the stone with you, is not required.


"Gemstone meditations with Erin are deeply relaxing and far exceed any other meditations I have ever tried!"

- Marianne

My product on a desk
My product on a desk
My product on a desk